can low potassium cause anxiety
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Ask doctors: High potassium can cause symptoms similar to anxiety Apr 13, 2018 Apr 13, 2018 $(window).load(function() { window.setTimeout(affixShare, 2000); affixShare() { var sHeight = $('#share-left-affix').outerHeight(true); var cHeight = $('#share-left-affix').parent().outerHeight(true); var sTop = $('#share-left-affix').offset().top - 50; var sBottom = $(document).height() - ($('#share-left-affix').parent().offset().top + cHeight - 50); yes(cHeight sHeight) { $('#share-left-affix').affix({ offset: { top: sTop, bottom: sBottom } }); ! ! }); (window)resize(function() { var sHeight = $('#share-left-affix').outerHeight(true); var cHeight = $('#share-left-affix').parent().outerHeight(true); var sTop = $('#share-left-affix').offset().top - 50; var sBottom = $(document).height() - ($('#share-left-affix').parent().offset().top + $('#share-left-affix').parent().outerHeight(true) - 50); yes(cHeight sHeight) { ('#share-left-affix').data('bs.affix') = sTop; ('#share-left-affix').data('bs.affix').options.offset.bottom = sBottom; ! }); Q: I started taking potassium pills about five years ago. After a few months, I started having such severe anxiety attacks that I could barely talk to people. Finally, I read warnings about the side effects of potassium, which included anxiety attacks. I immediately stopped taking the pills, but I still have mild anxiety attacks. More people should know about this side effect. A: Thank you for sharing what has clearly been a difficult experience. Before exploring potential risks, however, let's be clear at one point: Humans need potassium for normal cell function within the body. The main deficiencies in this mineral can lead to severe muscle weakness, insufficiency of respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, renal dysfunction, abnormal heart rhythms and possible death. Because many diuretic drugs drain potassium, people who take such drugs should also take potassium supplements. So should people with chronic diarrhea, for the same reason. But if you're not taking drugs that decrease potassium, you don't have diarrhea and have a healthy diet, you don't need extra potassium. That doesn't mean people don't take it, though. Some use potassium to relieve muscle cramps or to help build muscle through exercises. Others use it as a table salt substitute. Some people even take extra potassium to reduce blood pressure, although there is no evidence that this has any effect. Humans normally require 2,000 to 3,500 milligrams of potassium daily. Because the mineral is found in a variety of foods, the needs of most people can be met through a generally healthy diet. Although it may be tempting to complement, taking additional potassium can make your levels too high. Because people with kidney dysfunction are already suitable for higher potassium levels, taking supplements is especially risky for them. A high potassium level can lead to muscle weakness and even paralysis. It can also interfere with electrical driving in the heart, causing abnormal heart rhythms and, when severe, a closure of the electrical activity of the heart, which means loss of any muscle contraction and, quickly, death. As for the kidneys, although they are efficient in maintaining potassium balance, they can be overwhelmed by high levels, causing them to retain more acid, leading to metabolic acidosis. In this process, the body tries to decrease acidity in the blood by eliminating carbon dioxide through hyperventilation. (More about this later.) In your case, I suspect your potassium levels were too high to start. Angiotensin receptor blockers and ACE inhibitors (both are blood pressure medications) can raise potassium levels, such as diuretic spironolactone. And again, kidney dysfunction can also raise potassium levels. As for your symptoms, high potassium levels may lead to an abnormal heart rate, which in turn led to panic. Another possibility is that the high levels of potassium lead to increased acidity in the blood — and the resulting hyperventilation. This hyperventilation can cause dizziness, nausea, palpitations, shortness of breath and chest pain, many of the same symptoms as a panic attack. I'm not sure if my line of thought is correct, but I agree that stopping the potassium supplement was the right thing. As a next step, you would also recommend seeing your doctor and having both your kidney function and your proven potassium. Such evidence can provide some clarity. Robert Ashley, M.D., is an internist and medical assistant at the University of California, Los Angeles. Send your questions to , or write: Ask the Doctors, c/o Media Relations, UCLA Health, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA, 90095. Due to the volume of the mail, no personal answers can be provided. Yeah. Window. Zephr = {}; Yes (!window.Zephr.outcomes) window. Zephr.outcomes = {}; window. Zephr.outcomes['assetcontent'] = { function Tags: 'Asset.content', outcomeId: 'subrule/1#5', Results Tags: 'FeatureContentPristine' }; googletag.cmd.push(function() {} googletag.display('ad-953887'); }); Coronavirus Trend Now googletag.cmd.push(function() {} googletag.display('ad-953890'); }); googletag.cmd.push(function() {} googletag.display('ad-953893'); }); Q: I started taking potassium pills about five years ago. After a few months, I started having such severe anxiety attacks that I could barely talk to people. Finally, I read warnings about the side effects of potassium, which included anxiety attacks. I immediately stopped taking the pills, but I still have mild anxiety attacks. More people should know about this side effect. A: Thank you for sharing what has clearly been a difficult experience. Before exploring potential risks, however, let's be clear at one point: Humans need potassium for normal cell function within the body. The main deficiencies in this mineral can lead to severe muscle weakness, insufficiency of respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, renal dysfunction, abnormal heart rhythms and possible death. Because many diuretic drugs drain potassium, people who take such drugs should also take potassium supplements. So should people with chronic diarrhea, for the same reason. But if you're not taking drugs that decrease potassium, you don't have diarrhea and have a healthy diet, you don't need extra potassium. That doesn't mean people don't take it, though. Some use potassium to relieve muscle cramps or to help build muscle through exercises. Others use it as a table salt substitute. Some people even take extra potassium to reduce blood pressure, although there is no evidence that this has any effect. Humans normally require 2,000 to 3,500 milligrams of potassium daily. Because the mineral is found in a variety of foods, the needs of most people can be met through a generally healthy diet. Although it may be tempting to complement, taking additional potassium can make your levels too high. Because people with kidney dysfunction are already suitable for higher potassium levels, taking supplements is especially risky for them. A high potassium level can lead to muscle weakness and even paralysis. It can also interfere with electrical driving in the heart, causing abnormal heart rhythms and, when severe, a closure of the electrical activity of the heart, which means loss of any muscle contraction and, quickly, death. As for the kidneys, although they are efficient in maintaining potassium balance, they can be overwhelmed by high levels, causing them to retain more acid, leading to metabolic acidosis. In this process, the body tries to decrease acidity in the blood by eliminating carbon dioxide through hyperventilation. (More about this later.) In your case, I suspect your potassium levels were too high to start. Angiotensin receptor blockers and ACE inhibitors (both are blood pressure medications) can raise potassium levels, such as diuretic spironolactone. And again, kidney dysfunction can also raise potassium levels. As for your symptoms, high potassium levels may lead to an abnormal heart rate, which in turn led to panic. Another possibility is that the high levels of potassium lead to increased acidity in the blood — and the resulting hyperventilation. This hyperventilation can cause dizziness, nausea, palpitations, shortness of breath and chest pain, many of the same symptoms as a panic attack. I'm not sure if my line of thought is correct, but I agree that stopping the potassium supplement was the right thing. As a next step, you would also recommend seeing your doctor and having both your kidney function and your proven potassium. Such evidence can provide some clarity. Robert Ashley, M.D., is an internist and medical assistant at the University of California, Los Angeles. Send your questions to , or write: Ask the Doctors, c/o Media Relations, UCLA Health, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA, 90095. Due to the volume of the mail, no personal answers can be provided. Coronavirus Trend Now { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Organization", "url" : "", "sameAs" : ["",", ""," ! Meet the rest of our news family Sections Services $(document).ready(function() {FFFF} $('img').bind('contextmenu', function(e){ return false; Delay (6000); }); © Copyright 2021 , 75 S Church St Pittsfield, MA ← With energy from. googletag.cmd.push(function() {} googletag.display('ad-953867'); }); Meet the rest of our news family Sections Services You have no notice. Get up to minute news sent directly to your device. Items All Subscribe googletag.cmd.push(function() {} googletag.display('ad-953905'); }); Get up to minute news sent directly to your device. 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[*] title*/
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